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Letter: Thoughts on the election

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
So here we are, the final lap of the race for county offices. There are more “vote for” signs than I think I have ever seen before.
The Gazette-Journal is publishing Readers Write opinions, social media is filled with opinions that have caused uproars, and it seems even longtime friends have become a bit distant because of opinions. So here are mine.
Many citizens like myself are trying to keep the faith that those elected will put aside their own agendas, if they have those, and be prepared to serve the people as one body.
When I listen to the news of what is happening in so many places, Mathews County feels removed from the chaos and “Tin Can Alley” and “Hole in the Wall” do not seem difficult issues to solve. We know there are far more pressing issues.
I want to believe that each candidate decided to run after much thought.
I can only imagine the tensions that the Sheriff’s Department is trying to work under. Our county has been protected and remained safe b...

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