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Letter: Thoughts on disasters

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
With some rehabilitation, the editorial “Count your blessings” (Sept. 14 issue) can be converted into a polished gemstone.
A grasp of some principles is required. There is no such thing as a “natural disaster” within the context of the editorial. Disaster mitigation and the response are not determined by luck. Mother Nature’s hurricanes correlate to food production. Only recently in the history of civilization did fables of abundance become reality. This is the real blessing and hurricanes are a component.
Life and property loss are less a correlation to hurricanes than, for example, FEMA’s artificial flood “insurance.” Florida’s hurricane catastrophe fund reinsurance causes more property damage and loss of life and injury (and illness) than hurricanes such as Irma.
The Texas Coastal Wind Insurance Program has some relationship to Hurricane Harvey claims.
I recommend not to research the California Earthquake...

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