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Letter: This is our symbol

Editor, Gazette-Journal:

I wish to put right a small issue that has been at bay ever since I came to this county. On more than one occasion, the officer’s insignia (see above) worn by at least two if not more licensed Merchant Marine officers in town, has been mistaken by landsmen to be a “Nazi insignia.”

In a county so rich in maritime heritage, it appalls me that people are not only so ignorant but hateful to a symbol worn by brave men and women that support our country and keep worldwide industry going and receive almost no credit for their tireless efforts.

While the day and age of blue blazer captains in white garrison covers may be gone for most of the maritime industry, we who sail carry on the proud traditions of our predecessors and this is our symbol.

As this is an opinion piece, I will leave you with mine: Those who won’t bother to understand something and just jump to conclusions can go … I don’t care where, as long as it’s away from me.

2/O George P. Trusco...

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