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Letter: Their fear

Editor, Gazette-Journal:

Before President Trump took office, the Democrats were throwing every possible accusation they could invent at him, but they failed. President Trump was elected because many in America are fed up with the left and their attempts to change what is good in America, including parts of our Constitution.

It was the Democrats who awakened many citizens when they tried to eliminate God by trying to prevent use of His name at their convention. Our country was designed to make room for Him, making sure that people could worship as they choose without being threatened by government or other people.

Those complaining about President Trump are the same ones that want to silence believers, make changes to our Constitution that would take away some of our freedom, and always support abortion, as if there was no right to live. No matter how many insults are made to those who support the president, the support will still be there.

Dawn Dale

Hayes, Va. ...

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