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Letter: The voices of hypocrisy sound very similar

Editor, Gazette-Journal:

I remember well how the “core” of the Republican Party spoke terribly about the stupid, ignorant, know-nothing Hollywood “B” movie actor, Ronald Reagan, who had the audacity to run for president.

The core of the Republican Party back then, like now, was composed of self-impressed old-line politicians, political commentators and, most importantly, very wealthy individuals who never held an elective office but who preferred to pull the strings of government from the shadows. President Reagan wasn’t one of them.

They knew what was right for the country. The ignorant masses (that’s you and me) could not be trusted to decide who would be best for the county and, most importantly, for them.

We are now in a similar situation. The faces may have changed, but the voices of hypocrisy sound very similar. Recently, on my way to Richmond, I tuned my radio to WRVA in Richmond and caught Glenn Beck’s morning talk show. Over the ye...

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