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Letter: The value of volunteering

Editor, Gazette-Journal:

During this National Volunteer Week, the board of the Literacy Volunteers of Gloucester would like to thank the volunteers, tutors and generous donors who ensure that Gloucester County’s literacy needs are being addressed. We currently provide assistance in a variety of areas requiring volunteers with diverse backgrounds.

Gloucester is a fortunate county to have residents with the time, talents and willingness to give to their community. Our volunteers and tutors have given over 1,854 hours this year, which translates into $40,788. Yet, it is not about the money. It is about the value of participating in one’s community for the benefit of all. Certainly, we as a community benefit greatly as each of us improves our educational skills. But the greatest gift of all is having a community that values its fellow man and demonstrates it through volunteering.

Thank you, Gloucester.

Terri Byrne, president

Literacy Volunteers of Gloucester

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