Editor, Gazette-Journal:
In November of 2004, Dutch filmmaker Theo Van Gogh was brutally murdered for the crime of offending Islam by making a film critical of Islam. Recently, our embassy in Libya was raided and our ambassador murdered, ostensibly because an American filmmaker made the grievous error of offending Islam.
The rush to apologize was remarkable in its condemnation of the "offensive" film. The trailer that I viewed of "The Innocence of Muslims" was amateurish and humorous in its melodramatic portrayal. However, no matter its amateurish character or its offensiveness, it is totally in keeping with our First Amendment. No apology is necessary or required.
The eternally aggrieved Muslims are expressing the true tenets of the theology of Islam. That theology is but a doctrine for domination. America should study the history of Islam—its current, recent past, as well as its ancient origins—to disclose its true nature. Islam becomes visible in its true nature ...
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