Editor, Gazette-Journal:
In the June 6 edition of this paper, James Knupp provided a lengthy discussion relating to the matter of gun possession and misuse. He concluded with three recommendations: 1. Creation of a huge “nationwide automated system with effective retrieval to restrict purchase of all guns by, and allow judges, if warranted, to remove guns from, people on those lists”; 2. “Require and fund a CDC study on gun violence,” and 3. “Ban high-power rapid-fire weapons, large ammunition clips, and bump stocks.”
With respect to the creation of the far-reaching database suggested by Mr. Knupp, and the uses he suggests of that list by the unspecified judges, the potential resultant court actions and violations of civil rights boggles the thinking mind. Worse, in concluding his list of the sins and misdeeds that would qualify a citizen to be placed on the database, Mr. Knupp uses the phrase, “and the like,” as if to ensure that all tho...
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