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Letter: The Ministry of Truth

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
The left is going nuts over the thought of Elon Musk acquiring Twitter. Twitter was a platform for the free exchange of ideas. It became a group of Trump haters who would do anything to shut down conservative thought. They even labeled the Babylon Bee misinformation. It’s a satire site, for goodness sake.
Musk has pledged to restore free speech to the platform. This has frightened the Biden Administration to the point they have set up a Disinformation Governance Board. You are not smart enough to examine the issues and decide what is true and what is not. Trust us, we will do it for you. Shades of George Orwell’s “1984” and the Ministry of Truth.
The Administration already has an office of disinformation. It is called the Press Secretary. Jen Psaki can spin a lie so fast it almost seems true. She recently said one of the stated purposes of the new Bureau was to counter misinformation about the border. Illegals from all over the world are flooding across that bo...

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