Editor, Gazette-Journal:
During a recent foliage ride to visit family in Massachusetts, I was as equally struck by the colorful foliage as I was by the number of war memorials, placards and statues. I grew up in this area and, as they were always there, they seamlessly blended in with the area’s culture. However, with the recent developments in our country, these memorials have taken on a new and focused interest.
I asked friends if they took exception to the memorials and their universal response was no. These honor the fallen dead who gave their lives for a cause and deserve to be remembered by their communities, families and a grateful nation. These memorials honored all of the various wars ranging from the Revolutionary War to the present and were placed in highly visible public squares.
We are fast approaching a decision on whether or not the memorial in downtown Mathews should be removed or remain where it is. There are differing views as to the ownership of the property. Whether...
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