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Letter: The law is king

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
It is becoming evident to the most casual observer that the governor, his administration and much of the Virginia legislature are doing their utmost to create division within the citizenry of Virginia by their clear provocations in defiance of the Second Amendment.
It is apparent that the governor and much of the Democrat-controlled legislature are intent upon sweeping the Second Amendment and the Bill of Rights under the rug of their unconstitutional agenda.
For the governor and the legislature to argue that county Second Amendment Sanctuary resolutions have no legal authority defies the premise of both the Declaration and the Bill of Rights. The voice of the people is not being heard within the hallowed halls of our state Capitol.
The proposed legislative change to the law that involves an elected official recall from the longstanding 10 percent to the new standard of 25 percent speaks to the usurpation of the standards of ethical legislation, if not an act o...

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