Editor, Gazette-Journal:
In Sharon Dequaine’s letter (“Why should she recuse herself?” Sept. 15 Readers Write), I am that 12-year-old (but, for the record, I am 10 years old). She asked why supervisor Melissa Mason should recuse herself. The answer is because she’s part of the NAACP.
At the Aug. 23 BOS meeting, the NAACP continued to attack supervisor Mike Walls, accusing him of being part of the Sons of the Confederate Veterans (which, they later found out, he wasn’t).
I then got up and said that a certain supervisor was part of the NAACP, which supervisor Mason admitted to. At the meeting, I never said for her to recuse herself because she’s part of the NAACP, as Sharon accused me of saying. Supervisor Mason was the one that said that she would recuse herself because she’s part of the NAACP (which she has not done). Sharon also proclaimed “The NAACP has absolutely nothing to do with the land in question.”
Well, just read the Gazette-Journal (page 18A in the same edition), where it pr...
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