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Letter: The dangers of industrial solar plants

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
There has been a rush to Gloucester County on the part of both in-state and out-of-state solar companies. What drives this trend is big profits and tax credits for these companies which are of no advantage to local citizens.
In fact, it is estimated that the costs for power to our residents may rise by 5 percent. What we are talking about is utility-scale solar industrial power plants being placed near schools, neighborhoods, and on valuable farmland.
An example is the facility on Route 14 just outside of town. We do know from research studies and reports that homes near these facilities may lose value due to the unsightly and industrial image they pose. Properly placed on industrial properties, however, solar may have its place as a redundant system on the energy grid but these industrial sites should be well away from rivers, wetlands, and low-lying areas. Citizens should also have the right to have solar installed on rooftops if they choose.
But know that th...

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