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Letter: The Common Good?

Editor, Gazette-Journal:

As our pundits say: Let’s be clear.

Those espousing the so-called Common Good tacitly and emphatically exclude from their concern one significant cohort—the unborn. In truth, they are determined to militate and legislate against protection of the most vulnerable segment of our society. How, one might ask, is killing an innocent baby in its mother’s womb contributing to the Common Good?

What moral or ethical argument could these people adduce to justify their position? And if granted the privilege of governing, lacking as they do a moral compass, what future harm might they inflict under the banners of rights, freedom, health, etc.?

When Harriet Beecher Stowe wrote “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” in protest against the horrors of slavery, she deliberately appealed to the conscience of American women. Grieving herself over the recent death of her infant son, she reasonably—and rightly—assumed that the nation’s women w...

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