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Letter: Thank you, Gloucester

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
It has been a great honor to serve Gloucester County this past year as Daffodil Queen. I have enjoyed my time as Queen and am very grateful for the wonderful opportunity I had. Although the outdoor Daffodil Festival is cancelled this year, there will be a virtual event so we will still be able to enjoy the festival.

2019 Daffodil Queen Jessica Herman

We have five young ladies running for Daffodil Festival Queen this year, so I hope that they will enjoy the festival as well. There are a few people I would like to thank who have helped me this past year.
First is Mary Boerner. She is an incredible lady and works so hard helping the Daffodil Queen and the Daffodil Festival, and cannot be thanked or recognized enough for all she does.
Next is Kenny Smith and my brother, Daniel Herman. Thank you for driving me in the parades.
There are so many other people who have helped me, but lastly, I want to thank my parents, Jeff and Diane Herman. Thank you for all you have...

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