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Letter: Thank you for your service

Editor, Gazette-Journal:

Thank you very much to Randy Burak (Abingdon District) and Robin Rice (At-Large), retiring members of the Gloucester County School Board, for your commitment to the children and families in our county.

Your many years of selfless service resulted in noticeable growth in support for Gloucester teachers and school staff, improvements in needed funding for salaries and for facilities, and protection from recent challenges to safety and ethics. Gloucester has benefited greatly from your dedication, hard work, and ability to collaborate.

Despite opposition at times, you have worked diligently to keep politics out of the schools and keep the focus on the children and their education. You were consistently present at meetings and at your multiple committee assignments, addressing diverse needs within our school system and using teamwork to strengthen partnerships with other community programs.

As parents of children in GCPS, you demonstrated belief in par...

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