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Letter: Supports Altemus for county supervisor

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
The 2013 local election brought some highly effective leadership to the Gloucester Board of Supervisors. Now that 2015 has arrived it is time to add more leaders who will, like most of the current board members, serve to protect the interests of the people and ensure that our local administration is operated as effectively and efficiently as possible.
I sincerely believe the people of the Gloucester Point district and Gloucester County overall would be well served by 
Teresa L. Altemus. Mrs. Altemus has a lengthy track record of representing the people of Gloucester as a “hands on” supervisor. She was very active in supporting Gloucester residents during the aftermath of Hurricane Isabel.
Mrs. Altemus was often the voice of reason on matters before the BOS and made decisions based on facts while holding what was in the best interest of the people at heart. After serious consideration and a whole lot of research, I would like to take this opport...

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