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Letter: Support Crowley for Medicaid expansion

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
On Nov. 7, I will be voting for Dr. Sheila Crowley for the 98th District House of Delegates. Dr. Crowley supports many ideals I support. However, most important to me is her support for Medicaid expansion.
Since the enactment of the Affordable Care Act, the Virginia General Assembly has refused to approve enrolling Virginia in Medicaid expansion. This has left thousands of Virginians without the ability to afford health insurance because they earn too much for Medicaid but too little to feasibly afford health insurance premiums. I have numerous family members and many people I encounter in my job who have no health insurance because of this.
Health care should be accessible to all citizens, regardless of income. This includes mental health and preventative health care. For the legislature to continue to deny thousands of Virginians the opportunity to be able to receive the health care they need is inexcusable.
Sheila Crowley has committed her support for Virgin...

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