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Letter: Stop the riots

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
It is time for law enforcement to bring nightly riots across this country to an end. I have an idea that might help. First, use high-pressure water cannons to disrupt and render rioters helpless. Water cannons are strong enough to knock people off their feet without doing bodily harm.
Put dye in the water to color their clothing for later identification and arrest. Secondly, use aerial netting to cover rioters and render them incapable of escape from police until arrests can be made. Both or either of these options are better than using deadly force.
One additional thought is to establish a national program to inform everyone how they should react when stopped by police. Police have their code of conduct and citizens need one too. Civil conduct should be used by both sides. That should not be so hard to understand, but apparently it is.
Bill WrightGloucester, Va.

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