Editor, Gazette-Journal:
It was interesting to read Joe Mereness’s letter ("Not American enough?" Sept. 27 Readers Write) about how he feels and relates to average Americans like himself with no foreign bank accounts or huge tax deductions who work and pay various taxes contributing to government programs, especially after proceeding to Nancy P. Lewis’s letter ("Do you really want socialism?") containing no facts but only a bad metaphor about a non-existent school grade curve that supposedly explains the right-wing’s "Redistribution of Wealth" theory.
Nancy’s letter is non-sensible as she fails to make a case that Redistribution of Wealth, whatever that means, can even lead to socialism, but she did make me think about what has happened to public school education in the U.S., a capitalist country. Education has gone to the dogs here, but it’s not because of socialism.
Socialist economic countries and even some third-world countries are producing be...
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