Editor, Gazette-Journal:
Congressman Wittman, the statement on your website condemning Nazis’ outrageous conduct in Charlottesville is commendable—as far as it goes. But it needs to go further.
The current president has falsely suggested a moral equivalency between the people in Charlottesville who protested against hate and bigotry, and the torch-bearing, hate-spewing, racist, anti-Semitic Nazis who marched in Charlottesville while chanting “Hail Trump” and giving the Nazi stiff-armed salute.
I urge you to expand your statement by condemning this president’s abhorrent attitude toward Nazis, who have been encouraged by his response to the events in Charlottesville. A number of Republican members of Congress, as well as CEOs of major corporations, have demonstrated their political and moral courage by condemning the president’s attitude. I ask you, as our representative, to do the same.
During World War II, my father served with distinction as a...
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