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Letter: Space for opposing opinions

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
The Gazette Journal deserves our wholehearted thanks and appreciation for being a newspaper that allows controversial and opposing opinions to be presented in its Readers Write column.
Sadly, many no longer trust the blatant one-sided news coming from most media platforms. Readers have the opportunity to consider opinions and information offered here.
For example, the letter from Missy Giardina (June 10) offered excellent data regarding vaccines for children. She cited information from an eminent 20-year former VP of Pfizer/Chief Science Officer (who developed many vaccines for Pfizer) and still active in the field independently.
Dr. Michael Yeadon cautioned parents absolutely not to give children the vaccines. I personally heard Dr. Yeadon (an Oxford top-of-his-class graduate) interviewed. He stated that the “rule” is never to pursue a vaccine for which medications are available.
For COVID-19, he said four older drugs were available: Hydrocloroquin with zinc i...

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