Editor, Gazette-Journal:
I’d like to thank Mr. Ingles for his Oct. 7 letter to the editor in which he gave an in-depth review of the events surrounding the January 2008 Board of Supervisors’ meeting. That was a dark time in Gloucester’s history but one we need to remember since it very much concerns this upcoming election.
We should also remember to thank the journalists for the Gazette-Journal and Daily Press who do outstanding coverage of local events. They covered this 2008 fiasco in great detail which was much needed and appreciated. A reporter’s job is not easy, but so very important in order to maintain an open and transparent government. We need them now more than ever.
In addition to angry citizens making their voices heard, perhaps the most memorable outcome from this dark time in our local history was the recognition of the Gloucester 40 as “Citizens of the Year” by the Daily Press. A recognition ceremony was held in their honor on February 25, 2010 with the President and Pub...
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