Editor, Gazette-Journal:
In the Aug. 10 issue of the Gazette-Journal, reporter Kim Robins (“Mack seeks at-large seat on Gloucester board”) informed readers that school board candidate Brenda Mack describes herself as “tenacious about two things—teacher salaries and teacher diversity.” That’s a bit off the target that folks generally aim for when making the case for government funded schools. Shouldn’t Mack’s concern be for students, and learning?
Starting with the Northwest Ordinance of 1787 which declared that “schools and the means of education shall forever be encouraged,” the emphasis traditionally has been on the kids: the 3 R’s, history and responsible citizenship; the victories of reason and Western Civilization, and Judeo-Christian values. But former Michigan resident Brenda Mack puts teachers’ salaries and race ahead of curriculum proving she’s not the person parents and taxpayers should be consideri...
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