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Letter: Seven years is too long without a raise

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
This past week has been very confusing, to say the least. The school board saying we cannot operate with a $1.3 million deficit, with the board of supervisors telling them they will have to. I have heard board of supervisor members on numerous occasions say how wonderful it was for them and their family members to have had the pleasure to attend Gloucester Public Schools. I wonder who was looking out for them, but then that might have been the time money and pork chops grew on trees.
I don’t know how the school board is going to overcome the $1.3 million deficit. Maybe they could lay off all the assistant principals; that should save about $300,000. Then they could look at the nursing staff, and maybe some of the custodial staff. The best thing to do is not open Page Middle School. Leave everything the way it is. I find that kids are very resilient and will have with the best of them if they are told the truth.
It’s the educators that I am most conc...

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