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Letter: Saying goodbye to an old pharmacy friend

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
A very long time ago, a big chain grocery/pharmacy had my business. I would go in after work between 4:30 and 6:30 p.m. (along with the other working people in the surrounding three counties) and wait in line behind 20 others who were doing the same thing, to pick up my meds on the way home.
I’ll never forget the person waiting in line who was grumbling about the wait getting a rise out of the pharmacist who then yelled out at all of us that they had filled over 400 prescriptions that day. I wish I had asked her if she was bragging or complaining, but I remained silent while I continued to wait in one of the two checkout lines (when they had four checkout registers that never, ever were all opened at the same time).
The next situation I had was in 2014 when I had the flu. Going home from an urgent care visit, I dropped the prescription off and had to wait to have it filled, for a good 30 minutes, only to be told at the register that they were out of the drug an...

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