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Letter: Saulman for Gloucester School Board

Editor, Gazette-Journal:

It is my pleasure to support Cindy Saulman for the At-Large School Board position in the upcoming election. I’ve known Cindy for many years and in several different capacities—both personal and professional. In my opinion, there is no candidate in this election with higher ethical or moral integrity than Cindy.

Professionally, Cindy and I frequently crossed paths in her role as DARE officer for the county. I would run into her while volunteering in a school, or she would stop in the county office building, or she would be working to raise money for the DARE scholarship.

I would see her working in the Daffodil Parade, or handing out candy at the Main Street Halloween event. No matter what, her demeanor was always professional and I was always met with a smile.

Later on, my dealings with Cindy became more personal, when my daughter went through her DARE program. Wow, is the first thought that comes to mind! Cindy did a remarkable job educating our ki...

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