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Letter: Saulman, Arsenovic for School Board

Editor, Gazette-Journal:

Please support Cindy Saulman, At Large, and Leonne Arsenovic, Ware District, for the Gloucester County School Board. Both candidates are well qualified for these leadership positions.

We have known Deputy Cindy Saulman since Bethel Elementary School opened. Bethel 5th grade students once participated in an end-of-the-year camping trip. Deputy Saulman, with the help of parent volunteers, was not only the Bethel 5th grade DARE instructor, she ensured that students, teachers, and chaperones were well fed.

My husband accompanied our three sons on those memorable trips as a chaperone in 1998, 2002 and 2006. With each trip, he witnessed her incredible energy and positive interaction with the students, teachers, and parent volunteers. In short, she was an integral part of Bethel’s 5th grade team.

As a Bethel Special Education teacher, my experience with Deputy Saulman involved experiencing firsthand a DARE instructor with an inclusive heart. She understoo...

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