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Letter: Sad, angry over euthanization of fox

Editor, Gazette Journal:
I was saddened and angry to learn of the euthanization of the fox last week, which had been captured in Powhatan Chimney. The article clearly stated the fox was “lying still and not actively threatening anybody.” For a neighbor to cage the fox and post pictures of it on Facebook is abhorrent.
Our Creator gave us this beautiful creature to live its life on Earth, just as He did to so many other species, including mankind. Well, man is decidedly not kind, as this incident proves. As the Humane Society site explains, “Foxes are not dangerous to humans, except when they are rabid (which is very rare) or when they are captured and handled. Even then, a fox’s natural tendency is to flee rather than fight.”
What if this particular fox was a new mother in search of food for her den of newly born foxes? What will happen to them? For shame.
Tracy Lanum
Gloucester, Va.

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