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Letter: Return Wittman to Congress

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
In last week’s Gazette-Journal, a contributor thanked the Gloucester Board of Supervisors for spending $750,000 from the county’s remaining $1.5 million of the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) money. The BOS received approximately $15 million of federal ARPA funds. Additionally, the schools received similar millions and, locally, individual taxpayers received ARPA funds totaling millions more. Friends, the ARPA money and all the “federal funding” comes from your pocket—it is our tax money being spent by the trillions!
Since the beginning of the Covid pandemic, our national debt has gone from approximately $20 trillion to $31 trillion. I don’t know about you, but when I have been in debt over my head, I cut back on spending and pay down my debt. Informed voters know the long-term consequences of this unimaginable level of debt. To put it mildly, it is certain that inflation will be bad for many years to come. If the current Democrat Congress’s spending spree cont...

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