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Letter: Republicans, don’t be misled

Editor, Gazette-Journal:

As a longtime Gloucester resident and a product of our school system, I’d like to share some light on the upcoming election for those who are not involved and may not be aware of the many false tactics that have taken place.

I am completing my 30th year of teaching in Gloucester County Public Schools and I reside in the Ware District. I have never been so embarrassed by my representative, Darren Post. He has wasted taxpayers’ money and time, and has caused great conflict within our school board.

His many accusations have been publicly corrected and proven to be false. Let it be known that Post and all of his followers—Baker, Nash, Engquist and Seabolt—did not attend either public forum. I have not seen them addressing public concerns or sharing their views publicly. As for their Republican Party support … This is just a label. After speaking directly to the chair of this committee, all voting members did not vote for these candidates. If this is your ...

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