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Letter: Republican party head lists endorsements

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
Just like the Republican Party of Virginia, the Gloucester County Republican Committee conducted a nomination process. Our candidates filed to be our party’s nominees. We had one contested race for Clerk of the Court. Our candidates are true conservatives and if you are concerned about the direction of Gloucester County and the Commonwealth of Virginia, please join the GCRC in voting for our nominated candidates:
Glenn Youngkin for Governor; Winsome Sears for Lt. Governor; Jason Miyares for Attorney General; Cathy Dale for Clerk of the Circuit Court; Teresa Altemus for Supervisor At-Large; Phillip Bazzani for York District, and Mike Winebarger for Petsworth District.
And our endorsed candidates for school board: Kellie Lockerby (At Large), Carlton Drew (York District) and Karen Espinoza (Petsworth District).
Thank you all for your time and please remember to vote.
Ashley Chriscoe, chairGloucester County Republican CommitteeGloucester, Va.

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