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Letter: Republican no more

Editor, Gazette-Journal:

I was raised in Worthington, Ohio … a Lincoln-Republican town. It was part of the underground railway smuggling escaping slaves to Canada. We were shown the houses where slaves were hidden. We studied the Civil War—yes, Nikki Haley, slavery was abolished because of the Civil War.

The Civil War and slavery are a terrible part of our history, but a great nation does not hide past errors and sins. A great nation admits past failings and says, “never again.”

I was reluctant to sever ties with the Republican Party because of the people I admired—Teddy Roosevelt, Dwight Eisenhower, and Ronald Reagan. Until Donald Trump, I almost always split my voting ticket because there were Republican candidates better than the Democrats.

Not anymore.

I cannot trust or vote for any Republican at any level. Next to none of them call out ex-President Trump for ridiculing a reporter’s wilted hand, mocking the current President’s stuttering, making snide remarks about ...

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