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Letter: Reconciliation and respect

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
I just want to comment that after months of living in such a vitriolic and violent climate, not only here in Virginia, but throughout the country, it was refreshing to read last week’s letters regarding the defamation of Southern history.
I have been heartbroken at the result of ignorance and intolerance that have been demonstrated time and again throughout the country. It is encouraging for me to see others expressing similar disappointment and concerns. I am certain that not only Lee but Lincoln as well would be appalled at the current state of affairs!
Let us look at Lincoln’s instructions at Appomattox to “let them up gently,” Grant’s admonition to his soldiers that “the war is over and the Rebels are our countrymen again” and Lee’s advice immediately following the end of the war: “I think it is the duty of every citizen, in the present condition of the country, to do all in his power to aid in the resto...

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