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Letter: Re-elect Mike Winebarger

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
I have lived in Gloucester County’s Petsworth District for over 20 years. For most of those 20 years, I have known Mike Winebarger. We here in Petsworth are fortunate to have Mike Winebarger representing us on the board of supervisors because he is a good and honest longtime neighbor who knows our district well.
I enthusiastically support Mike Winebarger for re-election because of the results he has delivered for all of us here in Petsworth. It is one thing to promise results—but another thing to actually deliver results. Mike Winebarger has delivered.
Mike Winebarger has demonstrated his commitment to protect our property rights, which are fundamental to our individual liberty. Mike has kept our property tax rate low and affordable for eight years. Mike’s work to simplify local ordinances has helped reduce government control over how you use your own property. Our lower property tax rate and simplified ordinances are two reasons why Gloucester County is experi...

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