Editor, Gazette-Journal:
It would seem the Gloucester School Board, against the recommendation of the Board of Supervisors and against the protests of numerous residents, has chosen to construct a replacement of the previously destroyed Page Middle School on a new undeveloped site. In doing so, they intend to decrease the size of the gym and the auditorium. The new site is known to hold water and is adjacent to wetlands. Soil studies and existing site topography will increase the cost of design and construction. Construction erosion and silt control, clearing and initial drainage will be complex and costly. Permanent sediment and storm management control systems will likely be costly to construct and maintain. The building footer will likely cost more on this site. Site topography will likely require a significant amount of fill material which will be very costly. Construction of underground utility infrastructure, i.e., storm sewer, sanitary sewer, drinking, fire control and irrig...
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