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Letter: Putting an end to the next pointless tragedy

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
Driving down Buckley Hall Road in Mathews, I’ve recently had several near misses—cars driving over the center line or pulling out in front of me. Each time I see a cellphone in their hand. That is what prompted me to pen this poem. Interestingly, it is also National Poetry Month and Distracted Driving Awareness Month so this is timely! I can’t think of any text that is so important to lose your life over, or cause someone else to lose theirs.
Not again!
One more funeral to attend
Everyone says Oh not again!
Not another one; will it end?
More obituaries are penned
How terrible to lose a friend
Takes a long time for hearts to mend
They hang their head, say what a shame
Then they drive and text just the same
Is it worth risking broken bones
Just to text ‘lol’ on your cellphones?
So engrossed in that lengthy call
Was it important after all?
Can’t resist glancing at that text
And then thei...

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