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Letter: Prophesy fulfilled

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
“I’m absolutely convinced that no matter who’s elected, America is not going to be saved unless we have a moral and spiritual revival.”
Billy Graham made this statement in 1952, but unfortunately we didn’t pay attention. Today we are paying the bill. This election is the painful example of our failure to learn. What has happened to stop our decline? Is it more war, financial failure so terrible that we face disaster throughout the country? The beautiful prayer put to music, “God Bless America,” was one of gratitude and faith, but those in control of our nation don’t care, they submit to some who intend to change who we were meant to be.
If we continue to ignore Him, we’ll find that all these blessings are no longer ours. It has reached the point of now or never, because we aren’t guaranteed one more day, hour or minute.
Dawn Dale
Hayes, Va.

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