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Letter: Proper action is to fix Hole in the Wall

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
A citizen asked me what the impact on the southern shore of Milford Haven would be if a channel were cut through Pickle Patch to the Bay. Fortunately, all parties that have the authority to permit this know better. It all starts with a basic understanding of sand and storm action. The prevailing storm damage on the East Coast is from northeast and northern winds. This action is the driving force behind the known phenomenon of longshore sand transport along a coastline.
This force slowly pushes all inlets and channels southward. Most inlets will form a protective cape if adequate sand is available from the north. If there isn’t enough sand, the channel will shoal and fail. Most of Milford Haven’s south shore is already damaged from storms and that will likely worsen.
The proper action is to fix Hole in the Wall, restore the beach and design the inlet to be narrow enough to protect Milford Haven like it used to. The idea of dredging our inlets to prot...

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