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Letter: Post for school board

Editor, Gazette-Journal:

With election season in full swing, it’s imperative that our community closely examines each candidate vying for a place on our school board. The need for clear, articulate, and transparent communication from those seeking to lead Gloucester schools cannot be overstated.

Darren Post stands out as a beacon of this transparency. He continuously presents a distinct vision and direction for the education of our youth. His commitment to sharing his ideas, values, and intentions not only reflects a respect for the voting populace but also showcases his passion for the task at hand.

In contrast, the reticence of some candidates leaves the electorate in a quandary. For example, Cindy Saulman, with her distinguished background as a retired deputy, has offered the community little in terms of her educational philosophy or goals. While her campaign slogan mirrors that of the sheriff’s department, it doesn’t provide insights into her aspirations for our schools. ...

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