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Letter: Politicizing baby formula issue unacceptable

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
Dianne Carter de Mayo’s recent one-sided letter discussing my recent votes in Washington surrounding the current baby formula shortage fails to mention the author’s “solution” was a completely partisan Democrat messaging bill with no real potential of bringing relief to families or end this shortage (“Voting against baby formula?,” May 26 Readers Write).
This letter also completely excluded any mention of my vote in support of H.R. 7791, The Access to Baby Formula Act of 2022, which is now signed into law, as well as other recent actions I have taken to provide relief for struggling families.
I voted against H.R. 7790 because it would irresponsibly give the FDA additional salary funds despite their recent $102 million budget increase, and it does not direct the Biden Administration to use any of the billion dollars already available to address this formula crisis now. To make matters worse, it also fails to hold the FDA accountable for their role in this crisis...

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