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Letter: Police need more than a gun and baton

Editor, Gazette-Journal:

With regard to Taylor Williams’s tribute to her dad, Major Williams of the Mathews County Sheriff’s Office (“Who are the police,” June 16 Father’s Day Reader Special), I have met/dealt with Major Williams on several occasions. Based on these, I’d echo Ms. Williams’s remarks about her dad. Her view that the police are just people is, of course, right on. Fifty percent are above average, and I’d judge Maj. Williams to be well up into that 50 percent. His personality and intelligence are obviously major factors, as is his previous position as a detective with Newport News police, which would add training, experience and perspective. These latter three factors are critical.

The tendency to tar a group based on the actions of a few seems to be a major trend. Muslims are all terrorists; black lives matter; police are interested in controlling (not protecting) the public. When one hears though of a police shooting wher...

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