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Letter: Planning for the inevitable sea-level rise

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
Being an advocate for action to mitigate global warming sometimes feels like Sisyphus and his endless requirement to roll an immense boulder up a hill. While the boulder may not have been reduced in size, some unexpected help may finally be on the way.
Although carefully nuanced at times, it was apparent at the forum hosted June 30 in Norfolk by ODU and led by Senator Tim Kaine, that he and Congressmen Wittman, Scott and Rigell sought answers to the theme of the forum: “Hampton Roads Sea-Level Rise and Preparedness Action Items at the Federal Level.”
The primary concerns were centered on the economic impacts of continuing sea-level rise and storm surge on the communities of Hampton Roads and the direct impacts on Naval Base Norfolk and national defense including the ability of the base personnel to get to work during storms.
There was no political posturing or dodging hard topics. For three hours, the congressmen, assisted by the mayors of Norfolk a...

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