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Letter: Phillips for supervisor

Editor, Gazette-Journal:

Before ultimately deciding which candidates to support for the Mathews Board of Supervisors, we read the expectations set forth for the governing body. They solidified our conviction to publicly endorse Janice Hudgins Phillips. Janice was born and educated in Mathews. She left to attend college and to work in business, accounting and finance with national and international companies. She knows how to be “fiscally accountable.”

Upon her return to Mathews, she immersed herself into making Mathews a better place for all of its citizens by serving on the board of the Mathews Community Foundation, Mathews Social Services, Mathews Family YMCA, by volunteering at all three schools, by manning the polling stations, by driving for Meals on Wheels, and by acting as coordinator for the local blood drives—“civil stewardship.”

Finally, Janice is “worthy of our trust,” since she has good moral character, will listen without judgment, will represent all citizens and...

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