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Letter: Passing along debt is child abuse

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month. It is a time when we are asked to be particularly mindful of abuse and neglect as it pertains to children of our locality, state, nation and the world. I think the time is long overdue for us to think of deficit spending as a form of child abuse—given the fact that today’s voters are encouraging elected officials to provide goods and services and passing along associated debt to our children, who falsely believe us to be trustworthy. I am encouraging my friends and colleagues to use the term “inter-generational thievery” in referring to this shameful practice.
In the upcoming congressional campaign, I suggest we ask Congressman Wittman to justify his votes to raise the borrowing limit as often as he has. By my count, he has chosen not to do so only once.
Andrew J. Billups III
White Stone, Va.

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