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Letter: Parker for Gloucester School Board

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
I am writing today in strong support of the reelection of Anita Parker for the Gloucester County School Board, representing the Petsworth District. I have known and worked with Anita for the past 14 years, both as a resident of Gloucester County and a former teacher at Gloucester High School.
As a citizen and educator, I always felt comfortable approaching Anita regarding any issue pertinent to education in Gloucester County. During the years that Anita was board chair, she was instrumental in facilitating meetings with the superintendent to discuss the employee climate survey.
Every opinion was important to her, whether it be from teachers, bus drivers, paraprofessionals, custodians and maintenance staff, cafeteria staff, counselors, school nurses and administrators—indeed all staff. Working conditions and compensation were always a priority for her. Having raised her own family in Gloucester, Anita understands that a competent, well-supported and stable workf...

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