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Letter: Outrageously outspoken

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
What we are witnessing in the often-disturbing reaction by the establishment to the Trump campaign can only be described as fear. The people who support Mr. Trump are very much aware of the establishment’s failure on many fronts to serve the interest of the country. The fear exhibited within the establishment is prompted by that recognition.
Donald Trump, by his willingness and the courage to verbalize the concerns of many Americans, has done a vital service to this country. It is a certainty that had he not spoken out, not one of the other candidates would have dared to voice those topics on the national front.
Whether or not Mr. Trump receives the nomination remains to be seen; however, it is a certainty that Donald Trump is likely one of the few in this country to challenge the political status quo and survive. Lesser determined individuals would likely have been eliminated very early on. One can only speculate the army of muckrakers who are likely fer...

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