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Letter: Our hypocrisy

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
Those who want to destroy or remove monuments to our history because some of their actions then are now called wrong, need to be quiet, at least for a while, and look closely at their own past.
I am what is called a Yankee, born in New York, raised by parents who believed God’s laws were first and America’s next, and also taught us that God is the judge over all. Why are those in authority allowing this ridiculous and wrong destruction of historical monuments? Are our history books also going to be destroyed or forbidden?
No one can change history and no one should even try! The people these monuments represent were just like us—they did their best and sometimes they made the wrong decision. But that is just being human. There is only one person that is perfect, and He is Jesus Christ, the example of real goodness and forgiveness.
America’s children deserve better from us than seeing such hypocritical actions in an effort to hide history...

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