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Letter: Our freedoms

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
America, “The Land of the Free.” The United States of America has always stood as a beacon to the world for Hope, Justice and Freedom for All. We are a country who can vote for our futures and can achieve our dreams through integrity and hard work. We also protect each other as citizens and welcome those who wish to become citizens of our nation.
Then we see the shameful end to the war in Afghanistan and so did our allies as well as the rest of the world. We left our people and the SIVs in Afghanistan to the Taliban—What? Our president said: “We would never leave our people behind … We would remain in Afghanistan until all Americans and SIVs were brought back to the states.” Our government nor our Pentagon, nor our generals nor our Secretary of State have any integrity. No one in this country is being held accountable for anything, least of all our government.
The news media is owned and operated by the vile agendas of our president, our Congress and Big Tech. ...

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