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Letter: Orth for Gloucester BOS

Editor, Gazette-Journal:

Since moving to Gloucester County in 1973, Robert “JJ” Orth has been involved in making Gloucester a better place by serving in several public service positions. He has been a longtime member and leader of the Abingdon Volunteer Rescue Squad and is always willing to give of his time.

In my second year of a four-year term on the Gloucester Board of Supervisors, JJ was elected to represent the Abingdon District. We served together for three years and I observed that he always did his research on the issues and voted for what was best for the county.

He is now retired from VIMS and will be an ever better supervisor, with more time to serve his district and the county.

Vote for JJ Orth for another term as he will serve you well. He knows and loves the people of the Abingdon District and Gloucester County.

Carter BordenHayes, Va.

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